Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's a Snowball Fight!

Yay!  A shiny, new blog!  Welcome!!!!!!! 

The first thing I would like to share is the bulletin board that is up outside our room.  I first got the idea from this wonderful blog http://queenofthefirstgradejungle.blogspot.com/2011/12/flashback.html and adapted it.  With the all important IREAD test coming up in March, I wanted to get the students excited about reading more books.  I decided to have a classroom "snowball" fight..... and really with the crazy LACK of snow we are having, it is pretty much the only snow we are seeing. 

Beginning the first week after Christmas break, the students each made a cute little penquin and were challenged to read chapter books.  After completing the book, the students write a short summary of the book and then are given a snowball that is placed outside.   The "fight" ends on February 29th.  At that time the top four readers will be invited to eat pizza in the classroom with me.  In addition, all students that read at least 6 books will be put in a drawing, and I will choose 2 more to join us.  The students are so excited about this, and I have gotten lots of compliments from other adults in the building.  I talked to the other 3rd grade teachers about making it a 3rd grade snowball fight next year!

So, keep reading those books!  We have a few weeks left.  I can't wait to see what the grand total of chapters books read will be!

Happy Valentines' Day!  I hope to get some pictures uploaded from out party later today!

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